Come vedere l’inter senza pagare

Solo andando a casa di un amico! Fatto il titolo acchiappa click, durante l’intervallo della partita mi sono chiesto quanto difficile sia trovare siti pirata che hanno “bucato” piracy shield. Una rapida ricerchina mi ha portato più di 200 siti Questi 20 erano raggiungibili (mi sono fermato qui) E’ iniziato il secondo tempo, finisco il post alla fine della partita Riprendo per la chiusura: Come ho detto più volte, non basta sgombrare un marciapide dalle auto per dire che si…

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Users are the product, not the customers.

My friend Diego, who is head of Government Affairs and Public Policy at Google Italy, wrote the following post on linkedin (in Italian) The “disappearance” of maps has you enthralled. But the coming into force of new European competition rules is having a big impact on so many Google services. For example, because of the DMA we had to remove tabs on flights or hotels from search results – an imposition that benefits a few big aggregators, and hurts airlines and hotels Hotels have already seen a 30 percent drop in direct clicks. Over the years, we have created numerous…

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Italian Chamber of Deputies, my AI weapons resolution, May 3rd, 2017 (link) The Chamber of Deputies,WHEREAS:article 11 of the Constitution repudiates war as an instrument of offense against the freedom of other peoples and as a means of settling international disputes;technological development, particularly in the fields of electronics and artificial intelligence, with capabilities for acquiring large amounts of data, their processing and analysis in real time, with improved performance through self-learning systems, makes it possible to realize systems with the power to make autonomous decisions;one of the areas of application of such technologies concerns the armaments sector, enabling the realization…

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Il problema del leak del software di Piracy Shield

English version below — Qualche giorno fa, come sappiamo, il software di piracy shield è stato pubblicato su github. O almeno una parte di esso. Appena letta la notizia su TorrentFreak ero molto preoccupato: se il leak avesse riguardato tutto il “sistema machine to machine” e se esso avesse presentato dei bug, avrebbero potuto essere sfruttati da dei malintenzionati che riuscissero a raggiungere il server di Agcom per bloccare vasti pezzi, anche critici, dell’Internet italiana. Certamente il server in questione è raggiungibile attraverso una VPN, ma ci sono oltre 300 soggetti che hanno le chiavi della VPN, per cui un…

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Commento sull’audizione del Presidente Lasorella sul Piracy Shield

Ho ascoltato l’audizione del Presidente Lasorella alla Camera in merito al cd. “Piracy Shield”, il bottone rosso per cancellare un sito dall’Internet nostrana (tramite nome o indirizzo IP). E’ stata una testimonianza franca. Ha spiegato tutte le ragioni per cui non sta funzionando come qualcuno meno tecnico si aspettava. Alcuni parlamentari hanno fatto domande precise. A mio avviso ne è mancata una per valutare l’efficacia del sistema, per capire che non stiamo pestando l’acqua nel mortaio: In questi mesi, di quanto sono aumentati gli abbonamenti ai contenuti legali rispetto allo stesso periodo dell’anno scorso ? La storia della musica insegna…

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LLMs and the next User Interaction paradigm: from “What you see is what you get” to “Do what I mean”

I’ve started thinking to LLMs as a next UI paradigm. Instead of focusing on the idea of creating an “Artificial General Intelligence”, which is akin to the idea of “autonomous driving”. By now we understand that “autonomous driving” will not materialize, except for limited, well defined scenarios. The world is too complex. As many persons think, we’re not going to have an artificial general intelligence (as they are salami); LLMs are going to assist humans, a sort of “digital interns”, in some limited, well defined scenarios. But think to user Interaction: creating a formula in a spreadsheet is complicated, you…

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Nvidia’s Stock Market Value Rose $276 Billion in a Day. Here’s How It Got There in Five Charts.

I am old enough to remember the bursting of the 2000 bubble. 1999: Yahoo! was making tons of money selling advertising on its Web “yellow pages.” Many entrepreneurs wanted to rush for the internet advertising bonanza. They made companies, even well-funded ones, to participate in the new gold rush of selling online advertising. To make themselves known, they advertised themselves. Where ? obviously on the most popular destination: Yahoo! whose revenues were growing. And other companies were starting, etc. etc. Then many of these new players ran out of money and started to fold. And Yahoo!  revenues decliend, and doubts…

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Piracy Shield verrà allargato: ecco quando e come (un commento)

Source: Durante una trasmissione televisiva su Sky TG24 Massimiliano Capitanio, commissario AGCOM, e Federico Bagnoli Rossi, presidente Fapav (Federazione per la Tutela delle Industrie dei Contenuti Audiovisivi e Multimediali), hanno fatto il punto sui primi giorni di operato di Piracy Shield. Entrambi promuovono a pieni voti la piattaforma, bollando come fake news ogni notizia relativa a eventuali “vittime del fuoco amico“. Nei giorni scorsi, infatti, è circolata la notizia che alcune piattaforme legali di distribuzione di contenuti sarebbero state bloccate per sbaglio da Piracy Shield. “Sono notizie assolutamente fasulle e infondate – afferma Capitanio – dall’avvio della piattaforma nessun…

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Google’s “pricing knobs” (aka. “il manopolone”)

Italiano sotto. (italian below) If you haven’t already done so, and if you are interested in court reporting (which is sometimes better than Grisham), you can read the exhibits of the Google antitrust trial. The first slide is featured in this document and in an opinion by Prof. Michael Whinston. It shows a slide from an internal Google document that says they “need a knob” to raise prices as needed. The knob to manipulate prices upward would then actually be done. Reading other files reveals that while Google said it did not intervene in auctions to raise prices, then it…

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VC in Italy: searching for the next unicorn

In Europe (and Italy specifically), there is a widespread idea that a startup should be a company that seeks immediate profitability, and most business plans (do we really need them?) show EBITDA-positive paths after funding. These are indeed companies, built to grow and remain independent or to be acquired by more established players in their markets. However, they won’t grow fast, they won’t become multi-billion dollar companies, and they do not really deserve VC money. Nor they can command VC-like valuations. VCs are willing to offer you a pre-money of 10x to 20x your revenues (not your profits, but your…

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