Security & Privacy & Other Research

e-voting - notes, papers, and links relating to research into the Swiss Post / Scytl e-voting system (2019).

dark web deanonymization / onionscan - notes, papers, and links relating to dark web denonymization research / OnionScan (2016-2018).

decentralization - notes, papers, and links relating to decentralizations / microworlds / essays etc.

misc - writeups/research/cve's that are not part of larger projects.

wip - a summary of the status of my more public projects.


cwtch - p2p, anonymous, messaging for building surveillance resistant infrastructure.

Open Privacy Research Society - Canadian non-profit building privacy preserving tools.

Blodeuwedd Labs - private research lab specializing in security & privacy review engagements.


Email - for Open Privacy / Cwtch related subjects.

Email - for consulting / research inquiries.

Cwtch cwtch:icyt7rvdsdci42h6si2ibtwucdmjrlcb2ezkecuagtquiiflbkxf2cqd - preferred for general communication (encrypted / metadata resistant).

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