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Last Updated: Sunday, 30 January, 2005, 14:33 GMT
'Blair' doodles amuse Number 10
Bill Gates and Tony Blair
Mr Gates was behind the page of scribblings, it has emerged
A page of doodles found on Tony Blair's desk at last week's economic summit in Davos sparked a wave of excitement in the media.

Psychologists and handwriting experts were drafted in by the press in the hope of getting a glimpse into the inner workings of the prime ministerial mind.

Newspaper stories contained phrases such as "struggling to concentrate" and "not a natural leader".

Now - and with not a little glee - Downing Street has revealed that the scribblings were not the work of the premier, but that of one Bill Gates of Microsoft.

Insiders at Number 10 are apparently waiting "with amusement" to find out just how the comments about Mr Blair will now be applied to Mr Gates.

Doomed if you doodle?

A spokesman said: "Following the press conference given by the prime minister, Bill Gates and Bono in Davos on Thursday, a number of newspapers printed stories claiming that a page of notes and doodles left behind on the platform belonged to Tony Blair, and provided an insight into the mind of the prime minister.

"They were in fact doodles made by Bill Gates.

"We look forward with amusement to explanations by a variety of psychologists and graphologists of how various characteristics ascribed to the prime minister on the basis of the doodles, such as 'struggling to concentrate', 'not a natural leader', 'struggling to keep control of a confusing world' and 'an unstable man who is feeling under enormous pressure', equally apply to Mr Gates.

"We are astonished that no-one who ran the story thought to ask No 10 if the doodles were in fact Mr Blair's, particularly as it was obvious to anyone the handwriting was totally different."

A spokesman for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation said: "It would appear that the note was that of Bill Gates, left behind after the press conference."

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